7 Popular English Dog Breeds

Cocker Spaniels, with their friendly nature and luxurious coats, are among the top English dog breeds. The charm and companionship these dogs bring to households.

Cocker Spaniel

Bulldogs, known for their distinctive appearance and gentle demeanor, are beloved family pets. About the history and endearing qualities of this iconic English breed.


Labrador Retrievers, with their intelligence and versatility, are the top choice for families. Labradors consistently rank as one of the best English dog breeds.

Labrador Retriever

Beagles, with their friendly disposition and keen sense of smell, are popular English dogs. Their suitability as both family companions and skilled scent hounds.


English Springer Spaniels, known for their energy and athleticism, are excellent companions for active individuals. 

English Springer Spaniel

Dachshunds, with their distinctive long bodies and playful personalities, are charming English dog breeds. They are cherished by many as loyal and affectionate pets.


Border Collies, with their intelligence and agility, are top choices for those seeking a versatile and trainable companion. 

Border Collie

Top 7 Dog Breeds Resembling Foxes