Top 8 Most Popular Cat Breeds

The Persian's glamorous looks with long flowing coats and sweet expression continues to captivate fans.  


This "gentle giant" breed wins hearts with its towering size yet friendly, laidback personality.

Maine Coon

The Siamese's distinct color points, vocal nature and obsession with their preferred people fuel their popularity.  


Ragdoll's super snuggly personalities in a large-framed package make them much-loved lap cats and companions.


The stunning "Aby" attracts admirers with its ticked coat, playful athleticism and curious spirit.   


Hairless Sphynx turn heads with their wrinkly skin, silly antics and warmth-loving cuddly nature.  


Their owl-eyed expressions, folded ears and plush fur power Scottish Folds' appeal.  

Scottish Fold

Cutest Cat Breeds Ever Created