Top 8 Fluffiest Cat Breeds You Must Know

Known for being docile, affectionate and fluffy. One of the largest domestic cat breeds with semi-long, thick fur. 


An all-around family-friendly cat breed with a gentle personality. Features a shaggy coat and furry ruff around the neck. 

Maine Coon

Has a long, water-resistant double coat to withstand cold weather. Sweet, loyal and laid-back temperament.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Boasts a triple coat defense against the elements. Loving, calm demeanor and enjoys human interaction.  


Recognizable for its long, flowing fur and smooshed face. Worships its family and seeks affection and bonds.  


Medium-long fur with a silky texture requiring regular grooming. Intelligent, playful and athletic build.

Turkish Angora

trademark curly coat sheds minimally with weekly brushing. Patient, gentle temperament enjoys cuddling.

Selkirk Rex

Top 8 Most Popular Cat Breeds