Why Do Cats Chirp?

Chirpy trills signify excitement, mimicking prey species sounds. Visual triggers like birds and squirrels stimulate chatter.  

Chattering At Prey  

Upon beloved owner arrivals after absences, happy chirp trills communicate an enthusiastic kitty welcome home party

Greeting Announcements  

Persistent chirpy meows express demands for feeding, playtime and cuddles from shunned attention-starved cats

Pay Attention To Me!

Sick, anxious or frustrated cats vocalize oddly. New chirping combined with eliminative changes needs vet examinations. 

 Discomfort Displays

Some senior cats suffering dementia chronic chirp restlessly at night. Checks ups help uncover vocal trigger sources.

Nighttime Nuances  

Vocal oriented breeds like Siamese commonly chatter more frequently than less talkative varieties.  

Breed Tendencies

Cats hate solitude. Being left home alone all day triggers mournful chirpy cries at vanished companions

Loneliness Laments  

Your Cat’s Obsessive Need To Rub On You