Subtle Signs Your Dog Needs Some Solo Time

Overview of increased chewing, digging, barking at windows when bored being cooped up without any self-entertainment.   

Destructive Behavior

Discuss signs of dogs nipping, ignoring commands indicating they need relief from constant doting and handling.

 Attention Fatigue

Examples of once social dogs decreasing initiation now, slinking away to nap alone signaling solitude-seeking.  

 Withdrawing from Interaction   

Strange, out of sight retreat choices reflect dogs carving out alone zones away from regular family areas.

Hiding in New Spots

Dogs may start stashing favorite items to entertain themselves alone, not always wanting to share their treasures.

Toy Hoarding   

 Less enthusiastic welcomes at the door or dogs staying asleep instead of checking in signal solitude preference shifts.  

Changes in Greeting Habits   

Previously cuddly dogs now slipping out of laps or moving from petting hands want more personal bubble room.   

 Physical Affection Avoidance  

Signs Your Dog Needs More Affection From You