Top 7 Dog Training Commands for Success

"Sit" is a fundamental command that establishes discipline and is the basis for more advanced training. Use treats and praise for positive reinforcement.

Foundation Command

"Stay" is crucial for ensuring your dog's safety. Gradually increase the duration and distance to reinforce obedience and control.

Enhance Control

"Come" is vital for recall in various situations. Make it a positive experience by rewarding your dog when they respond promptly.

Essential Recall

"Down" or "Lie Down" is essential for managing hyperactivity and creating a calm environment. Use treats to encourage this behavior.

Relaxation Command

"Leave It" is crucial for preventing your dog from picking up harmful items. Teach them to ignore objects and focus on you.

Leave It

"Heel" teaches your dog to walk beside you without pulling on the leash. Consistent reinforcement creates enjoyable walks.


"Paw" or "Shake Hands" is a fun and interactive trick that enhances the bond between you and your dog. Reward each successful shake.

Interactive Trick

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