Teach Your Dog to Play Dead

Start by creating a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere. Your dog will respond better when training is enjoyable and rewarding.


Ensure your dog is familiar with basic commands like "sit" and "lie down." These form the basis for teaching the playful "play dead" trick.

Basic Commands

Introduce a distinct cue, such as "bang" or "play dead." Use this consistently when your dog is in the lying down position.

Lie Down Cue

Every time your dog successfully lies down on cue, reward them with treats. Positive reinforcement strengthens the association.

Treat Reinforcement

Slowly incorporate a dramatic element. Gently guide your dog into a lying-down position and gradually extend the duration.

Gradual Movements

Repeat the process regularly to reinforce the behavior. Practice in different environments to generalize the trick.

Repeat and Reinforce

Introduce mild distractions to simulate real-life scenarios. This builds resilience, ensuring your dog can perform the trick in various situations.

Distraction Challenges

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