Best Dog Breeds for Protection

With strong territorial instincts, intelligence, trainability, and an intimidating appearance when alert, the German Shepherd is arguably the best guard dog breed


Known for being fearless, energetic, and utterly loyal, Doberman Pinschers make excellent watchdogs and guardians

Doberman Pinschers

A well-trained Rottweiler uses its muscular, powerful physique and loud bark to intimidate potential robbers, warn its owners of suspicious activity


Bullmastiffs, which combine the reliability of Mastiffs and the tenacity of Bulldogs, have imposing size and strength on their side. 


With their alert, obedient temperament and capability to learn attack commands, Giant Schnauzers are reliable dogs for property security. 

Giant Schnauzers

The Belgian Malinois has such strong protective instincts that the U.S. Secret Service uses them to guard the President.

Belgian Malinois

Bred as Estate guardians in Italy, the mastiff-type Cane Corso is described as "unforgiving of inappropriate behaviors

Cane Corso

Teach Your Dog to Play Dead