Train Your Dog to Ignore Other Dogs

Motivate your dog with treats and praise. Create a positive association with focused behavior, setting the stage for ignoring other dogs.


Ensure your dog is proficient in basic commands like "sit" and "stay." A strong foundation facilitates more advanced training.

Basic Commands

Introduce controlled distractions. Start with mild temptations, gradually increasing difficulty to build resilience to other dogs.

Distraction Introduction

Introduce a focus command, like "look at me." Use this command to redirect your dog's attention away from other dogs.

Focus Command

Reward your dog when they successfully ignore other dogs. Positive reinforcement reinforces the desired behavior.

Positive Reinforcement

Manage the distance between your dog and other dogs. Gradually decrease the distance as your dog becomes more proficient.

Distance Management

Consistent practice is key. Regularly reinforce the training in different environments to ensure your dog reliably ignores other dogs.

Consistent Practice

Preparing Your Dog to be Left Alone