7 Absolutely Adorable Short-Legged Dogs

Beloved for their stout bodies, lively personalities and strong work ethics are the "fairy steeds" of Wales – Pembroke Welsh Corgis!


Clever Dachshunds, bred to ferret out burrowed prey with their extended bodies, make playful and tenacious pets.


Original scent hounds Basset Hounds amble wonderfully along on their dwarf legs and huge paws.  

Basset Hound  

What the “clowns” of the canine world French Bulldogs lack in height they make up for in comic antics and affection.

French Bulldog

Once cherished solely by Chinese nobility, flat-faced Pekingese pups still walk tall with dignity.  


Ancient Tibetan natives Lhasa Apsos are sturdy, bold guard dogs wrapped in a long-haired package.   

Lhasa Apso

Mischievous Pugs delight families with their charming, Pushmi-Pullyu personalities.


7 Ancient Chinese Dog Breeds and Their Stories