7 Classic German Dog Breeds Beloved as Pets

Intelligent, versatile German Shepherd Dogs rightfully stand as one of Germany's most popular working and pet breeds.

German Shepherd  

Known for loyalty and boisterousness when young, Boxers mature into dignified yet silly companions.  


Clever Dachshunds were originally bred to ferret out badgers and other burrowed prey but now focus their tenacity on fun and affection.   


Historically known as fine herding dogs, loyal Rottweilers today channel their intelligence into police work and family protection.   


 Despite their imposing size, patient Great Danes, Germany’s “Apollo of Dogs,” think they are lapdogs.  

Great Dane

Quick-witted Miniature Schnauzers excel as upbeat, fun-loving watchdogs and sturdy playmates.

Miniature Schnauzer  

Nicknamed “The Grey Ghost,” Weimaraners remain active hunting dogs and family friends.  


7 Absolutely Adorable Short-Legged Dogs