7 Dashing and Charming Italian Dog Breeds

Graceful yet powerful, the curvaceous Greyhound has been cherished by Italians since ancient Roman times.


Despite its wrinkles and loose flesh, the Neapolitan Mastiff possesses both strength and nimbleness.  

Neapolitan Mastiff

 With imposing muscles cloaked in a sleek black coat, the Cane Corso serves as the "bodyguard" of Italian breeds.  

Cane Corso

The Spinone Italiano sports a wiry, weatherproof coat and excels equally at hunting and being an affable housedog.

Spinone Italiano  

Sicily's Cirneco dell'Etna, prized by peasants for hunting small game, boasts superb speed and a rugged coat. 

Cirneco dell'Etna

Though pint-sized, the Volpino Italiano retains the athleticism of its Spitz ancestors while making an excellent companion.

Volpino Italiano

Distinct for its singular matted fur resembling dreadlocks, the Bergamasco Shepherd possesses an age-old dedication to flock guarding.   

Bergamasco Shepherd

7 High-Energy Australian Dog Breeds Full of Spirit