Simple Ways to Show Your Dog Affection

Dogs love belly rubs! Give them a good scratch and massage to show your affection.

Belly Rubs  

Set aside relaxation time to hold your dog close on the couch or bed so they feel safe and cared for.  


Playing fetch, tug of war or having chasing fun shows your dog they are important to you.

Fun & Games  

Offering favorite treats or chews helps your dog associate you with nice things.

Tasty Treats 

Surprise gifts of new squeaky toys or balls gets your dog excited to spend time together.  

New Toys

Adventures on walks or outings stimulates bonding hormones to strengthen your friendship.

Walks & Outings

A cozy dog bed in your bedroom makes them feel part of the family.

Good Sleep Spot 

Top Reasons Dogs Dig And How To Curb It