How to Train Your Dog to Lie Down on Command

Reinforce with treats when your dog lies down naturally before adding in a verbal cue.  

Natural Behavior  

Hold a treat by your dog's nose then move it down towards the floor guiding them into a down. Reward once they lie down.

Use a Lure   

Say "down!" each time you lure down then reward. Repeat until lying down becomes habitual when they hear the cue.   

Introduce Cue  

Slowly incorporate giving the verbal cue without showing the treat to transition off the lure.

Fade the Lure

Only give the reward if your dog completes the full down action after hearing the cue.

Require Lying Down   

Over time, step away from your dog before cueing down to proof the behavior without proximity.

Increase Distance  

Reward your dog for lying down on cue during walks and play sessions.

Real World Practice 

How to Train Your Dog to Fetch a Toy