The Most Common Cat Fears

Cats startle easily from noises like fireworks, vacuums or thunder. Use calming products to dull sensitivity.  

Loud Noises

Unfamiliar car smells, motion and confinement stress cats out. Use feline pheromones and give access to hide.

Car Trave

Veterinary exams cause many cats severe anxiety and fear due to stressors like car rides. Ask about anti-anxiety medications.

Vet Visits

Guests stress territorial cats. Give timid cats safe hiding places high up or in another room to retreat to.  


Historic competition creates anxiety when cats encounter unfamiliar dogs. Allow slow, supervised introductions.   


Routine or location changes, or introducing new pets trigger stress. Make additions slowly.  


Harsh handling fuels fearful behavior. Always use positive reinforcement training.  


How to Train Your Dog to Lie Down on Command