The Top Dog Phobias and Fears  

Sudden sounds from storms, fireworks or vehicles overload sensitive dog ears causing frequent noise phobias. 

Loud Noises  

Dogs are pack animals prone to panic with isolation. Ease separation through praise, distraction and preventing lingering departures/arrivals.  

Separation Anxiety   

Poor socialization and trauma manifests as skittish body language, barking and lunging at strangers or unknown dogs during walks.

Social Fears 

Unpleasant veterinary experiences cause many dogs to fear the clinic. Use lavender, treats and pheromone plug-ins to offset anxiety. 

Vet Visits

Restraint, nail trims and high pitched dryers stress some dogs at groomers. Schedule extra staff for sensitive pups 


Shift from known environments or adding new household members may induce stress. Ease transitions gradually

Change in Routine  

Dogs rescued from abusive backgrounds often have deeply ingrained triggers. Seek professional help from veterinary behaviorists in severe cases.

Past Trauma   

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