Explaining Your Cat's Quirky Licking Habits 

Frequent light licks on your hands/feet are feline kisses showing bonding. Take as a compliment!  

Showing Affection 

Licking hair/ears mimics cat maternal group grooming. They consider you part of their family!  

Grooming You

Persistent licks can signal boredom and requesting playtime or petting. Give them focal engagement.  

Wanting Attention

Self-licking provides comfort. Excessive hair licking may indicate anxiety to address. 

Stress Relief

Body licking adds their scent, a sign of feline ownership. They're claiming you!

Scent Marking

Licking sweaty skin accesses nutrient-rich salt/proteins. Distract them with a snack toy instead.  

Protein Interest

Some lick while kneading recalling weaning milk flow. Provide a cozy blanket to knead.  

Kneading Throwback

7 Adorably Cute Cat Breeds to Adopt