Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergy Sufferers  

With a silky semi-longhaired coat requiring much grooming but producing low dander, the chatty Balinese makes a good candidate.  


Though requiring high activity levels, the exotic Bengal's short, fine coat and rare grooming needs can work for allergy sufferers.


Blessed with a triple coat adapting to harsh weather, the loyal Siberian sheds minimally thanks to hair-like fur, producing less irritation. 


Already popular for their alien-like hairless appearance, Sphynx also circumvent allergies altogether devoid of fur!   


Siamese have very short, fine coats with little undercoat triggering fewer allergic reactions in their devoted owners.  


With thin, fine guard hairs and minimal shedding, the lively Devon Rex fits easier into allergy-prone households.

Devon Rex

Similar to the Devon Rex, the gentle Cornish Rex sports an extremely fine, curly coat that hardly sheds or aggravates symptoms.  

Cornish Rex

7 Absolutely Adorable Black Dog Breeds