Unlocking the Secrets of Your Cat's Night Vision  

Your cat's pupils open wide to maximize light intake allowing more night time visibility.  

Expanded Pupils

A special mirror-like surface in cats' eyes reflects back more available surrounding light.

Reflective Eye Layer

Increased rod cells in cats' eyes boost periphery and motion sensitivity crucial for nocturnal hunters.

Extra Rod Cells  

Despite myths, cats have more cones than humans enhancing daytime color vision exceeding our own! 

More Cones Than Humans

While lacking night-focused vision, cats excellently detect motion in ambient light keeping them safer.  

Keen Periphery Sight  

Cats see color later due to slower cone information transfer to brains benefitting night sight.  

Slower Color Processing  

Peak cat activity at dawn/dusk matches a vision system evolved not for pitch black nights but dim conditions.

Evolved for Dawn/Dusk

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