How to Spot the Signs a Bored Dog Dishes Out

A classic boredom flag - if your previously housebroken dog suddenly gnaws walls, furniture and belongings, they likely need more stimuli

Destructive Chewing

Excessive, insistent barking for no reason can signify your pooch has pent up energy and not enough engaging outlets

Demand Barking

Constant pawing, whining, ball dropping and stick presenting all tell you your dog craves more interactive focus with you.  

Attention Seeking

Endless tail chasing, shadow pouncing, circling or ball batting are go-to repetitions showing your pup needs novelty.


Stress behaviors like pacing, trembling, drooling and hiding all stem from under-occupied canine minds suffering from boredom's tensions


Out-of-character disobedience like scarce recall response, play biting or ignoring commands exposes a bored dog acting out.   


If previously enjoyed walks, games and toys fail to excite anymore, this apathetic attitude points to chronic boredom.

Lost Enthusiasm

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