Can Cats Catch Colds?

Good news - with rare exception, viral colds don't transfer between most species so human seasonal colds pose low risk to kitties.  

Unlikely to Catch

However, cats commonly battle their own respiratory illnesses - feline herpes virus, calicivirus and Chlamydophila bacteria spark flu-like symptoms.

Higher Risk of Feline

Much like people colds, cat respiratory bugs cause congestion, runny nose/eyes, fatigue, reduced appetite, sneezing and coughing.  

Discharge and Sneezing

Kittens and senior cats tend to suffer more severely from respiratory infections just like human infants and elderly.  

Serious in Kittens and Seniors  

While not foolproof, cat vaccines significantly protect against the most dangerous feline respiratory pathogens.  

Vaccinations Reduce Risk

If you have a cold, limit cuddling your kitty since you can pass non-fatal pathogens. Call the vet if your cat shows symptoms.  

Avoid Direct Contact When Sick  

Support your cat's defenses with high quality nutrition, reduced stress, proper preventatives and an annual exam.  

Boost Their Immune Systems  

Demystifying Your Cat’s Color Vision