The First 6 Months Of Shelter Dog 

Be prepared for accidents as shelter dogs adapt. Stick to a schedule, praise outside potty trips, use enzymatic cleaners for any indoor accidents.  


Shelter dogs may have separation anxiety or fear of new sights and sounds. Use calming techniques and give them their own safe space.


Bonding can take weeks or months. Let them warm up on their timeline, avoid forcing physical contact, use positive reinforcement.  


Lack of routine can heighten anxiety. Establish regular mealtimes, walks, playtime and start simple obedience training. 


Crate training aids housebreaking and provides a comfortable, secure den. Make it positive with treats and never use the crate for punishment.  


Shelter dogs have pent up energy. Interactive games and daily walks prevent destructive behavior and help socialization.  


Progress won't be linear. There will be ups and downs. Respond with patience as they transition to home life.


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