Dangers of Dogs Ingesting Chocolate   

Chocolate contains theobromine stimulating the cardiovascular system and central nervous system to dangerous excess in dogs.

Contains Theobromine  

Significant theobromine intoxication provokes accelerated heart rate, rhythm abnormalities and high blood pressure risking cardiac arrest.  

Cardiac Issues  

Nervous system side effects include hyperactivity, tremors, seizures and severe agitation requiring sedation.   

Neurologic Problems  

Dogs often experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration after significant chocolate ingestion.

Gastrointestinal Upset  

With toxic accumulation, kidneys struggle to filter waste products, sometimes causing longterm kidney disease.  

Kidney Damage  

In high enough doses, chocolate can ultimately kill dogs when organ systems grow overloaded, especially liver failure. Seek vet assistance immediately!   

Potentially Fatal  

The theobromine concentration varies by cacao type/percentage and portion eaten determines degree of poisoning.  

Amount Eaten Matters

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