Things Cats Hate That You Might Be Doing

Not providing liter boxes, food, water, toys or scratching posts cats need. This causes stress & bad behaviors.  

Ignore Needs  

Petting when they don't want it. Watch their body language to know when to stop or avoid areas they dislike.

Force Petting

Avoid waking your sleeping cat suddenly. Approach slowly, call their name first. Surprises scare them.  

Wake Abruptly 

Missing cues when they want to be left alone. Look for tucked ears, lashing tail, turned away body.

Ignore Signals

Using water sprays as punishment. This erodes trust and can cause anxiety. Use positive reinforcement instead.

Water Spray  

Blocking access to favored spots without reason. Ensure they have vertical and hiding spaces when needed.  

Restrict Movement

Playing too aggressively with hands or toys. Light toys and wands are better than hands for play.

Rough Play

Dangers of Dogs Ingesting Chocolate