Does Your Cat Really Love You?

Cats show love differently than dogs. Don't expect enthusiastic greetings. Look for subtle signs tailored to you.

Not Dogs  

Eye contact with slow blinks from kitty conveys trust and affection. Slow blink back to say "Love you too!"

Slow Blinks 

Rubbing their head on you deposits facial pheromones. This marks you as their property to love.

Head Rubs 

Licking or gentle nibbles while nestled nearby shows bonding. Enjoy the slobbery sign of cat kisses!

Grooming Welcome

A cat purposely napping close to you demonstrates comfort, safety and affection in your presence.

Sleep Nearby 

Some cats communicate feelings through melodic meows, chirps or purrs mostly saved for loved ones.


Playful energy, pounces and chase games signal your cat is enthralled by their favorite human's attention.

Playful Antics

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