Top 7 Facts About Bobtails Cat

While named similarly, Japanese Bobtails and American Bobtails emerged separately and have different builds, coats, and tail types.  

Two Breeds

In Japan, the Japanese Bobtail is celebrated in art as a symbol of luck, happiness and prosperity for centuries.

Lucky Symbol

The gene causing short tails is a natural spontaneous mutation that persisted in cats on islands off Japan and North America.  

Naturally Occurring Mutation   

Japanese Bobtails have shorter rabbit-like nub tails. American Bobtails have a variety of tail types from long to bobbed stumps.   

Varied Tail Lengths

Both breeds bond deeply to their families and are highly interested in human activities. Very loyal!

Dog-like Devotion 

The Japanese Bobtail has existed for over 1,000 years while the American Bobtail originated in the 1960s and gained breed status in 1989.    

Ancient Breed 

Many Bobtails communicate through delightful chirping sounds and seem to have a lot to “say”.

Charming Chatterboxes 

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