Tips for Treating Obesity in Labrador Retrievers  

Slowly reduce food over time vs drastic cutbacks. Losing 1-2 lbs per month is a safe goal. Consult your vet.  

Reduce Food   

Precisely measure out recommended calories per day in portioned meals rather than free-feeding.

Measure Portions 

Add more walks, play time, or jogs to burn more calories. Low impact exercise helps avoid injury.

Increase Exercise  

Food puzzles, snuffle mats and treat balls can provide mental exercise to tire them.

Add Enrichments  

Consult your vet on the best obesity management diet. Stick to scheduled feedings.

Pick Quality Kibble   

Weigh weekly or monthly to ensure gradual progress and catch any regression.

Weigh Regularly

Manage conditions like hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease or medication side effects alongside weight loss.  

Health Issues   

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