Decoding Your Cat's Body Language

An upright, vibrating tail signals excitement. A puffy, swishing tail can mean anxiety. And a relaxed, down tail conveys contentment.  

Tail Up or Down

Ears turned sideways or back often precedes an aggressive response. Forward ears show interest and approachability.

Ears Rotated

Short meows are greetings while long, drawn-out meows communicate demands or discomfort. Much is conveyed through tone!

Interpreting Meows

While purring can signal happiness, cats also purr to comfort themselves when injured or scared. Context is key.

Meaning Behind Purring

Gentle paw kneading typically signifies a bonded, blissful cat feeling safe and content with a loved human or feline friend.

Shows Affection  

Cats have scent glands when they rub against you or objects, they're imparting a sense of ownership.  

Conveys Ownership

Look at overall body cues—not just vocals or tail movements—to best understand your cat's communications.   

Body Language  

7 Facts About the Spunky Cairn Terrier Breed