Zodiac Signs Who Stay In Bad Relationships from Guilt

Libras avoid rocking the boat so they silently endure frustration. Their need for harmony blocks decisive breakups.


Cancers' deep caring makes them feel obligated to fix and heal harmful bonds despite emotional damage. 


Pisces see redemption in destructive partners and rationalize cruelty. Their fantasy of rescue perpetuates the cycle.


Taurus holds onto relationships long past their expiration dates due to their consistent values and dislike of upheaval. 


Virgos feel too responsible for others' wellbeing to abandon them, even if tempers regularly explode. Guilt traps them.  


Capricorns stay with ill-suited partners to avoid derailing future plans or signaling personal failure. Practical reasons rule.


Scorpios often enact revenge plots rather than leave spiteful partners. Their tempestuous bonds fuel high drama.  


Zodiac Signs Who Love Hyping Up Their Friends