Why Do Cats Stare?

Intense mutual eye contact triggers oxytocin release. Your cat may simply be gazing lovingly to connect with you!  


Cats stare to fully assess environments, intriguing stimuli and interesting humans before approaching or retreating cautiously.


Unwavering stares, sometimes accompanied by scent marking nearby, signal a possessive cat declaring you as a cherished resource.  


Excessive staring can indicate anxiety, frustration with confinement or an understimulated cat seeking entertainment.


Cataracts, retinal issues and far sightedness may cause a slow peer instead rapid blinking during prolonged stares.


Eyeing you like dinner hones your cat's hunting prowess for nabbing elusive treats or toys during play.

Prey Practice 

Your attentive cat may believe if she stares deeply enough, she'll intuitively understand your thoughts and desires.  

Reading Attempt

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