Curious Case of the Cat Belly Roll

By showing their most vulnerable area, a cat rolling over signals great trust, hoping for belly rubs and bonding from their "colony".


On their backs, cats can't easily scratch everywhere so they may be asking you to step in and provide a helping hand!


Cats roll to press sensitive belly fur to cool floors, enjoying the chill on hot days much like when they sprawl all legs up!  

Cooling Off

Adorably, your cat may be trying to acquire your scent by fully rubbing her back in areas smelling strongly of you.

Scent Exchange  

Some cats only pretend vulnerability before their back legs erupt in attacks on approaching hands!

Fake Out 

Your cat is reading microreactions in your facial cues and tension to understand if you'll accept the tummy truce.

Reading Replies

While a sign of trust, some kitty bellies remain irresistibly fuzzy yet dangerously off-limits so move slowly and watch for swishing tails!


Why Do Cats Stare?