How Long is Too Leave a Cat Home Alone?

Healthy adult cats with proper provisions can generally go 8-10 hours alone before boredom and necessities become an issue.  

8-10 Hours 

Young kittens under 6 months old require much more frequent care and shouldn't go more than 4 hours unattended.

More Care

When away, ensure cats have easy access to food, clean water, multiple litter boxes and beds in safe, comfortable spaces.  

 Essentials Out

Rotate novel toys out each day to mentally stimulate curiosity. Consider DVDs with bird shows or a radio left on low volume for company.

Entertainment Helps  

Bonded cats provide each other companionship and playmates which means pairs or groups cope better when owners travel than solitary cats do.  

One vs Multiple Cats 

If over 8 hours, hire a pet sitter to briefly visit ensuring cats are bright, hydrated and use litter box plus providing affection

Check-Ins Ideal

Nervous cats, those medicating or unwell, and cats who soil off litter box when stressed require creative solutions like pet sitters.

Anxious Struggle

Science Behind Your Cat’s Sweet Scent