How Good is Your Cat's Memory?

Cats remembered and greeted previous owners who treated them well after separations of over 5 years in studied reunions.  

Recalls Kindness 

Cats connect the unique rhythm of syllables in their name to rewards and attention with only a few repetitions.  

Knows Name 

If absent for months, cats remember social connections and hierarchy status within their colony.  


Unpleasant events like vet visits are typically forgotten within 5 hours while attachment to beloved humans persists for years.

Negative Events

Cats recognize and recall family and friend faces and voices after years apart, purring happily at the reunion.

Familiar Faces

Taught behaviors like sitting or ringing bells can remain in "muscle memory" even if seldom practiced.  

Trained Tricks Last 

Cats adapt quickly to consistent schedules and locations waiting eagerly to eat, play or cuddle in memorized time windows and spaces.  

Routines Embed  

How Long is Too Leave a Cat Home Alone?