Why Does Your Cat Excessively Lick?

Conditions like allergies or pain can cause obsessive licking in cats. See a vet to rule these out

Medical Issue

Licking releases endorphins which calms cats. Excessive licking may signal anxiety or stress.


Licking self or others is a way to pass time. Make sure your cat has enough stimulation. 


Gentle mutual grooming strengthens social bonds between cats. It shows affection.


Licking cleans and grooms their coat. More licking may mean your cat feels dirty.


Licking deposits scents from glands in saliva. It can mark territory.

Scent Marking

Redirect licking urges by engaging your cat in play or brushing. Offer new toys to distract from over-grooming

Redirecting Licking

Why Cats Exhibit Rolling and Flipping Behaviors