Tips for Successfully House Training Your Puppy

Take your puppy out to potty at regular intervals - first thing in morning, after meals, naps, playtime and every 30-60 minutes.


When you can’t actively supervise, confine your puppy to their crate or small room with easy-clean floors.


Block access to carpeted areas and rooms until your puppy is fully house trained to limit accidents.  

Limit Access

Use consistent verbal cues like “go potty” when your puppy eliminates outside so they learn to go on command.

Potty Cues  

Immediately praise and reward your puppy every time they successfully potties outdoors.


Thoroughly clean all indoor accidents with an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate odors that draw puppies back.

Clean Accidents

Puppies can take 6-12 months to be fully house trained. Stick to a consistent schedule and positive reinforcement.


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