Top Dog Breeds Ideal for Swimming and Water Fun

Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers have water-resistant coats and webbed paws ideal for swimming. It's in their blood!


The active English Springer Spaniel and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever love to fetch toys from the water.


Originally from Portugal, the Portuguese Water Dog is a powerful swimmer and diver. Their muscular build 


Newfoundlands have a thick double coat that allows them to swim long distances in cold water. These gentle giants even helped with water rescues


Though known for fancy show clips, Poodles were originally bred as water retrievers. Their curly coats protect their skin while swimming.


The Spanish Water Dog, Barbet and Wetterhoun all have "water" right in their names! Their dense, curly fur keeps them happy in lakes or pools. 

Water Dogs

Short-legged Dandie Dinmont Terriers were bred to hunt otters and water rats. Surprisingly, these feisty terriers love paddling around to cool off!


Gorgeous Long Haired Dog Breeds