High Maintenance Dog Breeds Demanding Extra Care

From their stylized show clips to exercise needs, Poodles require a lot of grooming and commitment from their owners.


Most Chinese Crested dogs lack a full coat, needing wardrobe of sweaters and sunscreen for their sensitive skin. 


The Komondor's corded coat needs to be separated and tended to regularly, which is no easy task! But owners love this gentle giant's unique look.


The petite Bichon Frise's plush white coat requires frequent brushing and trimming. Their cute appearance comes at the cost of high maintenance. 


Afghan Hounds require extensive grooming for their long, silky locks. They also demand plenty of exercise to prevent behavior issues.

Afghan Hound

Lhasa Apsos are challenging to train and require styling and brushing of their floor-length fur. But their loyalty makes it worthwhile for the right owner!


This ancient breed's stunning white coat must be frequently brushed and trimmed. Their tiny size also makes them prone to delicate health issues.


Dog Breeds Not Ideal for Homes with Kids