Top 7 Facts About the Beagle Dog Breed  

Beagles descend from early pocket-sized foxhounds in England bred to hunt rabbits and hares in packs. Their superb sense of smell made them prized hunters.  

English Hound 

As high energy scenthounds bred to run miles trailing game, daily walks and intense play sessions are musts for Beagles.


Beagles love constant companionship. If left alone for long periods, they may develop separation anxiety or become destructive.  

Social Packs  

Beagles are a small to medium-sized breed, standing around 13-15 inches at the shoulder. Healthy weight for adults is 18-30 pounds.  

13-15 Inches Tall  

Driven by their nose, Beagles succeed at detecting contraband, termites, banned wildlife products, and search and rescue.

Canine Jobs

Beagles communicate with characteristic howls, whines and baying. Their loud "arooo" is the classic vocalization.   

Tend to be Vocal  

With attentive vet care, proper nutrition, exercise and mental stimulation Beagles typically enjoy a full life of 12-15 years.


Top 7 Facts About Greyhounds