7 Facts About the One-of-a-Kind Dachshund Dog   

Dachshunds were developed with an elongated body, short legs and muscular build ideal for digging into burrows to hunt badgers and other prey.  

Body Shape

Miniature Dachshunds under 11 pounds and 5-6 inches tall while Standards range from 16-32 pounds and 8-9 inches tall.  

Miniature & Standard

Despite their independent nature, Dachshunds become very attached to their owners. They crave lots of attention and togetherness.

Devoted Companions

With intelligence and an independent spirit, Dachshunds can be clever and stubborn. Early socialization and training are key!

Clever & Stubborn  

Despite small bodies, Dachshunds have impressively loud, deep barks and vocalize often to alert their owners.  

Big Barks

A couple 30 minutes walks plus indoor play like fetch keep most Dachshunds fit and content without overexertion on their backs.

Moderate Exercise

With long spines, around 20% of Dachshunds develop Intervertebral Disc Disease. Maintaining healthy weight helps.

Back Problems  

Top 7 Facts About the Beagle Dog Breed