How to Tell if Your Cat Is Sick

If your once hungry cat loses interest in favorite foods, an illness may be suppressing their appetite or sense of smell.  

Decrease Appetite 

Constipation, diarrhea, straining, meowing or blood in litter box can all signal gastrointestinal issues or urinary problems.

Washroom Habits  

A typically active cat sleeping excessively or moving stiffly can correlate with fever, pain from injury/arthritis or fatigue.  

Activity Levels  

Thick eye boogers or excess nasal discharge may develop from viral or bacterial upper respiratory infections.  


A meticulously clean cat neglecting self-care by no longer brushing, bathing or using litter box indicates feeling unwell.


Tacky gums, sunken eyes, lethargy and stretchy skin are problematic signs of dehydration necessitating fluids.   


Open mouth breathing, wheezing, panting at rest correlates to respiratory distress from infections, heart issues or anemia.  


Most Common Skin Infections in Dogs