What to Do After Adopting a New Dog

Secure chemicals, medications, trash, laundry, wires and block access to any spaces where curious pups can get into trouble.  

Puppy Proof

Maintaining a consistent schedule with designated mealtimes, walks and crated rest periods helps adopted dogs relax into new routines.

Predictable Schedule

Provide plush beds in quiet corners of home away from action so anxious or overstimulated dogs can comfortably retreat and snooze.

Place to Unwind

Avoid overwhelming adopted dogs with many introductions and house guests at first. Take things slowly.  

Family & Friends

Book wellness exam soon after adoption to establish vet relationship and baseline for preventative care needs.

Veterinary Visit  

Revisit potty training basics providing plenty outdoor visits upon arrival home and after meals using positive reinforcement.  


Dedicate focused one-on-one play, cuddles and training including name, manners and socialization laying foundations.

Time & Training

Strategies to Help Match You With Your Ideal Dog