Top Facts About German Shepherds

German Shepherds bond deeply with their handlers. They aim to complete tasks and obey commands to please their people.


Many GSDs inherit a sloped back walking stance allowing front leg stride to extend further with each step for speed.   

Distinctive Feature 

With strength, resilience, adaptability and obedience, German Shepherds still shine as versatile working dogs and loyal companions.

Working Dogs

Despite the name, ancestors of German Shepherds originated from various European regions before standardizing in Germany.  


While still capable herders, German Shepherds became preferred for service roles like police, military, guide, search/rescue and disability assistance.   


The German Shepherd Dog comes in a spectrum of black, gray, brown, yellow, red and sable fur variations.

Many Colors 

Their distinctive long outer coat combined with dense undercoat provides weatherproofing for year-round performance.

Double Coated

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