Top 7 Incredible Bulldog Facts

Sadly, bulldogs were bred to bite bulls on the nose and avoid horns until slaughter in the 1800s.  


Despite violence in their past, bulldogs represent courage, resilience and stoicism for Britain - even donning war memorabilia.  

UK National Symbol  

A bulldog named Otto holds the record for the longest human-like snoring at 30 seconds! Their noisy sleeping is legendary.  

Setting Snoozer 

Compact sturdy bulldogs served as World War II mascots that easily traveled in planes alongside soldiers for companionship.  

Aviation Mascots  

Surfing bulldogs have gone viral but rescued bulldogs also make delightful skateboarding internet sensations.

Skateboarding Stars  

From Churchill to Trump, many commanders and stars adore bulldog tenacity and big personalities.

Cherished By Celebs 

Despite being low riders, bulldogs exhibit huge personas from independent thinking to goofy antics proving big surprises come in small packages!


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