7 Ancient Chinese Dog Breeds and Their Stories 

Revered in China for millennia, the aloof but loyal Chow Chow may have originated from ancestor breeds as far back as 150 BC.  

Chow Chow

Once the chosen guard dogs of Chinese noblemen, the hippo-like Shar Pei nearly went extinct until revived by Hong Kong enthusiasts in the 1970s.  

Shar Pei

Brought over from Japan centuries ago, spirited Shiba Inu have a proud history in China as efficient hunters and companions.   

Shiba Inu

Despite their name, powderpuff Chinese Crested dogs ironically originated in Africa but became prized by Chinese royals.   

Chinese Crested Dog

The graceful Chinese Imperial Dog, also called the Lion Dog, earned favor among the palace elite during the Qing Dynasty for its luck-bringing aura.

Chinese Imperial Dog

Cherished by Chinese nobles for ages as talismans and lap warmers, flat-faced Pekingese received high honors at court if they pleased the emperor.  


 The Lhasa Apso stood vigil guarding Buddhist monasteries in the holy city of Lhasa for centuries as spirited protector from intruders.    

Lhasa Apso

7 Sturdy Mountain Dogs Ready for Adventure