7 Bothersome Things Cat Owners Do Unknowingly

Yelling aggravates cats. Use positive reinforcement instead to shape good behavior.  


Junk food upsets feline digestion. Research proper diets and feed consistent quantities at regular times.

Poor Nutrition

Cats dislike being picked up abruptly, held uncomfortably or petted too vigorously. Handle gently. 

Rough Handling

Let sleeping cats lie! Provide a serene corner they can retreat to undisturbed during naptimes.


your cat's signals. Address signs of injury, illness or anxiety promptly through vet visits when needed.

 Ignoring Body Language  

Mixed verbal and physical cues confuse cats. Stick to reliable positive reinforcement for best results.  

Inconsistent Training

 Bored cats may act out. Schedule regular play sessions to stimulate their bodies and satisfy their hunting instinct!  

Insufficient Playtime 

Why Does My Dog Put His Paw on Me?