7 Common Pit Bull Myths It's Time to Debunk

Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous or aggressive towards people. Their temperament depends greatly on breeding, socialization and training.

Not Inherently Aggressive

Pit bulls' jaws do not "lock." This is a myth. Their bite style is similar to other dogs of their size and build.

Jaws Don't "Lock"

Pit bull breeds often score as well or better than Golden Retrievers on standardized temperament tests.

Good Temperament

Reported bite rates for pit bulls may be inflated compared to other breeds due to reporting bias and misidentification.

Bite Statistics Skewed

Despite reputation, pit bull-type dogs are legal in most municipalities and regions globally.

Legal in Most Places  

 Well-bred, properly socialized pit bulls can make very good family pets known for their loyalty and love of children.

Make Good Family Pets

Pit bull breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier have historically assisted disabled people and served as search & rescue dogs.

Helpful Working Dogs

7 Cute Big-Eared Dog Breeds You Can’t Resist