7 Dog Breeds Skilled at Marathon Napping 

Overview of traits like calm temperament that make them epitome couch potatoes.


Examples of why they're top-tier snorers and lounge lovers needing ample lap time.

French Bulldogs  

 Recap heavyset big-boned structure and cool-seeking fur suited for siestas. 

 Saint Bernards

Low energy needs matched with love of luxury bedding and stubbornness to move. 

 Basset Hounds  

Older dogs often sleep over 50% of days as aging decreases stamina and activity levels.

Elderly Dogs

Heavier set or obese dogs prone to laziness from both diet and hindered mobility issues.

Overweight Dogs

Brachycephalic breeds like Bulldogs prone to respitory challenges, meaning more rest between activities.

Dogs With Shorter Snouts

Differences between the Poodle and the Bichon