7 Endearing Dog Breeds With Notable Pointed Ears

Perpetually perky Pembroke Welsh Corgis flaunt oversized radar dish ears framing sweet smiling faces

Pembroke Welsh Corgi  

Flexible-eared Norwegian Lundehunds boast 6 toes and unusual neck flexibility from their puffin hunting past.

Norwegian Lundehund   

 With jackal ancestry, the regal Pharaoh Hound sports ears that pivot independently like satellites to catch prey sounds.  

Pharaoh Hound 

Alert and courageous, the Czechoslovakian Vlcak derived from crossing German Shepherds with wild Carpathian wolves.

Czechoslovakian Vlcak

Ruddy coated Finnish Spitz dogs use their pointed ears to hear game in theFinnish forests during hunts. 

Finnish Spitz   

Fluffy white Samoyeds rely on keen upright ears to detect dangers that could threaten their human families or sled teams.  


Known to "smile" with inquisitive faces, Icelandic Sheepdogs direct pointy ears forward to engage with their environment. 

Icelandic Sheepdog

Figuring Out Just How Smart Your Cat Really Is