7 Submissive Dog Behaviors to Know

Dogs convey submission through various behaviors. These signals is crucial for a harmonious relationship. Recognize the subtle cues your dog may display.


A tucked tail is a classic submissive gesture. It indicates your dog is not a threat and is yielding. Observing the tail position helps interpret your furry friend's emotional state.

Tail Tuck

A lowered body posture signifies submission. Dogs may crouch or lower their bodies to express deference. Differentiate between submission and fear-based postures.

Low Posture

This behavior often accompanies other submissive cues. Ear language contributes to effective communication with your pet.

Ears Back

Dogs consider direct eye contact a challenge. Submissive dogs often avert their gaze to show respect.

Avoiding Eye Contact

Rolling onto their back is a vulnerable position for dogs. It's a submissive act, indicating trust and submission.

Rolling Over

Submissive dogs move slowly and deliberately. Quick movements may be perceived as threatening. The pace of your dog's actions enhances your ability to interpret their intentions.

Slow Movements

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