7 Things Your Dog Wishes You’d Stop Doing

Yelling startles pups and erodes trust. Use positive tones and body language instead to correct behaviors.   


Mixed training cues confuse dogs. Be reliable with commands, praise and schedules for best results.


Junk food upsets doggy digestion and health. Research proper diets and stick to regular feeding times.   

Poor Nutrition   

Dogs need rest periods without distraction. Provide a quiet place they can retreat to undisturbed.  


Lack of activity stresses pups out. Alleviate boredom with regular energetic playtimes, walks and toys.  


Irregular baths let dirt accumulate. Bathe monthly or as needed to keep your pup clean and healthy.  

 Infrequent Baths  

Basically, dogs want you to treat them how you would wish to be treated yourself! Show your loyal companion love and respect.

Golden Rule 

7 Key Activities For Your Dog’s Daily Routine